Environmental Pollution Awareness and Solutions

Creating environmental pollution awareness and providing their solutions at the same time, are the two main objectives of The EcoAmbassador. That is why this site provides a vast amount of information regarding various environmental issues along with innovative technical and strategic approaches to solve them. The information of this site can be divided into two categories:

Information on Environmental Pollution Awareness and Solutions:

There are entire sections of this site dedicated to threading and emerging environmental issues along with their solutions. Some of them are as follows:

Water Pollution: This site discuss all about water pollution including what is water pollution, its categories, causes of water pollution, effects of water pollution, various water pollution facts and also different water pollution solutions,  The site presented all these data and technical information along with their proper references.  

Air Pollution: This site presents the global threat of air pollution through its pages like what is air pollution, air pollution causes, common air pollutants and air pollution effects. Air pollution facts are presented here along with supporting data and references. The site also provides different air pollution solutions that can be adopted in the local, national and international level to combat and abate this issue.

Land Pollution: Land pollution is a significant environmental threat and its causes, effect and solutions are discussed in the land pollution page.

Global warming and Climate change: Global warming and climate changes are looming environmental threats that no one can deny any more. This site explains what is global warming, global warming effects and green house effects in a simple and easy language. The site also explains what is carbon footprint and how can we reduce it to tame climate change. Also different links and methods of calculating carbon footprint are provided here.

Information on Environmental Pollution Treatment, Resource Recovery and Green Technologies:

Drinking Water: The site explains the necessity of clean drinking water; various drinking water systems; water treatment plant and its various unit processes and also different water filtration systems to obtain clean water.

Waste Water Treatment: The site describes a waste water treatment plant and how waste water can be treated through different technologies and treatment steps.

Anaerobic Digestion Technology: Anaerobic Digestion is a sustainable waste management technology that not only treats waste but also recovers valuable energy and resources from it. This site covers the anaerobic digestion technology comprehensively including its process parameters, types, co-digestion consideration, waste pre-treatment, biogas utilization and digestate resource recovery.

Alternative Energy: This site introduces different alternative energies along with their applications, advantages and disadvantages like geothermal energy, biofuel, solar energy, wind energy and fuel cell.

All these topics and pages can be accessed through the left-hand side navigation column.

The EcoAmbassador Academy:

The EcoAmbassador also started to offer different courses on Environmental Technology and Environmental Engineering through The EcoAmbassador Academy.

The EcoAmbassador in Social Media

The EcoAmbassador YouTube Channel contains a lot of education videos on the cutting-edge technology and emerging issues. Subscribe the channel to get the firsthand access of the published information in your earliest.

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Site Pages and Brief Descriptions

About The Eco Ambassador
The EcoAmbassador provides current information on Environmental pollution and emerging Environmental issues; promote eco friendly products and going green ideas.
Environmental Waste Management
Discover what is environmental waste management and how it is done along with different strategies and options in this page.
Understanding the Plastic Waste Crisis: What You Can Do
Plastic waste crisis is rapidly emerging as one of the most significant environmental challenges of our time. This article dives into the current state of plastic waste, its impacts, and actionable steps you can take to mitigate this crisis.
Environmental Jobs
Top sites for environmental jobs are listed in this page with more than 10,000 listing worldwide. Explore them to take your career to the next level.
This page contains E-books,booklets and courses on environmental and green technologies and management topics.
What is Water Pollution
This page answers 'What is Water pollution' in details along with information regarding its causes, effects and solutions as it is a huge threats to all major living species and ecosystems.
Causes of Water Pollution
The main causes of water pollution are most often man made and caused by increasing industrialization and human activities. Some of the major causes are discussed in details in this page.
Effects of Water Pollution
Nobody can escape the effects of water pollution as it affects the entire ecosystem. This page discussed and summarized some of the major effects and infamous incidents caused by water pollution.
Water Pollution Facts
Some water pollution facts like “More than one in six people worldwide (894 million) don’t have access to improved water sources” are alarming. This page summarizes those facts and their references.
Water Pollution Solutions
Water pollution solutions require concentrated and organized efforts both at government and individual levels. Some crucial steps are listed and summarized in this page.
Waste Water Treatment
Waste water treatment is an essential requirement for health, environment and ecosystems. Discover different treatment processes and process unit involved in waste water treatments
Wastewater Recycling
Wastewater recycling is not only getting popular, but also becoming a necessity in certain region of the world amid water scarcity. Discover various wastewater recycling options and benefits here.
Water Pollution Pictures
This page display different water pollution pictures to create awareness against water pollution, it causes and harmful effects.
Water Pollution References
Different Water pollution references has been gathered and listed in this page and these souces had also been referred while composing different water pollution related pages of this website.
Clean Drinking Water
Access to clean drinking water is a must for our survival. Discover how we can ensure the quality and supply of this vital resource.
Drinking Water Systems
Clean water supply can be ensured through different drinking water systems. Discover different types of drinking water systems, their functionalities and requirements.
Water Treatment Plant
Water treatment plant produce safe consumable drinking water. Find out how a water treatment plant works - the step by step processes involved from beginning to end.
Water Filtration System
A large variety of water filtration systems are available commercially to purify and polish water further. Discover more on water filtration system in this page.
All About Bottle Water
Single use plastic bottle water quality, safety issues and over all environmental impact are described in this page along with facts and supporting data.
Filter Water
Necessity of filter water for drinking, bathing and other household purposes are discussed here along with commercially available different categories of products and systems.
Home Water Filter Systems
Home Water Filter Systems are available in various types and technology based on their intended use and application points. They are explained along with their buying tips and recommendations.
What is Air Pollution
what is air pollution is defined in this page along with its classification and different examples.
Air Pollution Causes
This page discusses different air pollution causes. Both natural and anthropogenic air pollution causes are listed and presented here with facts and supporting information.
Common Air Pollutants
Discover different common air pollutants along with their origin and effects on human health, nature and environments in this page.
Air pollution Effects
Discover different air pollution effects on human health, ecosystems, and on over all earth’s climate. How air pollution poses various threats locally, regionally and globally is discussed here.
Air Pollution Facts
Discover various air pollution facts and figures along with supporting data that shed lights on its wide spread and lethal effects on human health and environment locally, regionally and globally.
Air Pollution Solutions
Discover different air pollution solutions strategies that we can adopt at local, national, international as well as personal level to fight this deadly and devastating environmental pollution.
Land Pollution
Land pollution definition, causes, effects and solutions are all summarized in this page. Different site assessment and site remediation methodologies are also presented here.
What is Alternative Energy
What is alternative energy? Discover different type of alternative energy, their different beneficial usages and cost effective ways to generate them in this page.
Biogas and Anaerobic Digestion
Find about Biogas - what it is, how it can be produced from Anaerobic Digestion, how it works and more in this page.
Biomass Energy
This page covers biomass energy in details – what is biomass energy, its sources, types and technologies to produce them as well as pros and cons.
Find about Biofuel - what it is, how it is produced, its current usage, status and future potential and more in this page.
Geothermal Energy
Find about Geothermal Energy - what it is, how it can be produced, how it works and more in this page.
Fuel Cell
Find about Fuel Cell - what it is, how it works, its applications and potential and more in this page.
Hybrid Car
Find about Hybrid Car - what is a Hybrid Car, Benefits of Hybrid Cars, How Hybrid Car works and much more in this page.
Solar Energy
Find about Solar Energy - what it is, how it can be produced, how it works and more in this page
Wind Energy
Find about Wind Energy - what it is, how it works, its applications and potential and more in this page.
Greenhouse Effect
Discover what is the greenhouse effect, causes of the greenhouse effect and more in this page.
What is Global Warming?
Find out what is global warming - its definition and other important facts in this page.
Global Warming Causes
Discover different global warming causes that contribute to generate excessive greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and increase the average temperature of the planet.
Global Warming Effects
Dicover Global Warming Effects on earth-on its surface, climate condition and on overall ecosystem in this page.
Global Warming Images
Discover different global warming images showing its devastating effects on various area of our environment and ecosystems as well as its direct and indirect consequences.
Global Warming Solutions
Global warming solutions needs to come from a combined collaboration and efforts from international, national and personal level to be fruitful. Find out different approaches to solve this issue here.
Global Warming Articles and More
This page listed various global warming articles, features and news along with important data and information related to this topic.
What is a Carbon Footprint?
Discover- ‘what is a Carbon Footprint?’ – Its definition and explanation.
Calculate Carbon Footprint
Discover how to calculate carbon footprint and different carbon footprint calculators available online.
Reduce Carbon Footprint
Discover how to reduce carbon footprint - different effective strategies of reduce, reuse and recycle that can cut down fossil fuel usage and green house gas emissions.
Why Anaerobic Digestion
Discover the advantages of anaerobic digestion technology and how it can provide a complete solution for organic waste management in this page.
Anaerobic Digestion Basics
Discover the basics of anaerobic digestion technology – what it is and how it works in this page.
Anaerobic Digestion Process Parameters!
Discover important anaerobic digestion process parameters along with their optimum ranges reported in this page.
Anaerobic Digestion Wastes
Discover various anaerobic digestion wastes and feedstocks - the basic feedstocks types as well as the emerging high energy feedstocks for advanced co-digestion in this page.
Anaerobic Digestion Pre-treatments
Discover anaerobic digestion pre-treatments - various advanced and basic waste specific pre-treatment categories and related existing technologies in this page.
Food Waste Pre-treatment!
Discover different food waste pre-treatment strategies and some commercially available technologies for anaerobic digestion process in this page.
Anaerobic Digestion Types
Different anaerobic digestion types based on their feed types, operating conditions and process configurations are discussed in detail here.
Solid Anaerobic Digestion Technology
Discover different type of low and high solid anaerobic digestion technologies based on their ability to handle the solid content of the feedstock/feedstocks mix.
Staged Anaerobic Digestion
Staged anaerobic digestions are designed to optimize the process and enhance gas production. Discover these different types of multi-staged anaerobic digestion in this page.
Co-digestion Consideration
Discover different important co-digestion consideration factors along with their optimum solutions and reported ranges in this page.
Anaerobic Digester Foaming
Discover reasons behind anaerobic digester foaming and its different prevention and control strategies.
Biogas Plant
The key consideration for design, construction and operation of a biogas plant are discussed in this page along with useful instructions, suggestions and references.
Biogas Purification!
There are various biogas purification and cleaning technologies available depending on the intended end use – discover them in this page!
Biogas Utilization
With the advancement in technology, currently there are various beneficial biogas utilization options available- discover these biogas applications in this page.
Digestate Resource Recovery Options!
Discover different digestate resource recovery options along with their potential usage currently available with various evolving resource recovery technologies!
Advanced Processes and Technologies for Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion
Discover recent advances in anaerobic digestion in a single document - technology and technology suppliers on advanced co-digestion plants, biogas upgrading, resource recovery and may more.
Energy Efficient Wastewater Treatment
Energy Efficient Wastewater Treatment is not only preferable but also crucial in current scenarios. Find out different energy efficient technologies and pathways here.
Increasing Wastewater Pump System Efficiency
Efficient wastewater pump systems can not only bring down the energy cost of wastewater treatment but also can reduce maintenance cost and requirements significantly. Discover how to achieve one here.
Optimizing Wastewater Aeration System
Efficient wastewater aeration system is vital for wastewater treatment plants as aeration is very often the most energy intensive phase. Key components for optimizing aeration are detailed here.
Energy Saving Tips at Wastewater Treatment Plants
Discover various energy saving tips at wastewater treatment plants that can not only reduce significant energy usage and associated cost but also offer other economic and environmental benefits.
Environmental Engineering Courses
: Links of different high quality online environmental engineering courses (some of that are completely free) are discussed in this page along with a brief introduction of the subject.

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